30 x 30 Power In Nature: Protecting California Together

power in nature: 30 x 30 CA

About us

Power in Nature is a community-driven initiative to protect 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030.

Opportunity of a lifetime

California’s 30×30 goal is our chance to protect biodiversity, address climate change, and promote equity for future generations. Power In Nature consists of community groups, conservation organizations, land trusts, and Tribal organizations from across California — all dedicated to realizing the 30×30 vision for the state.

A multifaceted approach

Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-82-20 initiated California’s 30×30 effort as part of a global effort to address the intertwined climate and extinction crises. California’s approach uniquely emphasizes equity, biodiversity, and climate action.
Humpback whale
Bighorn Sheep

Pathways to 30x30

California’s visionary plan to reach 30×30 is considered one of the best and most comprehensive in the world.

tribal acknowledgment

Together, we can ensure 30×30 addresses the legacies of the violent displacement of Tribes from their traditional homelands. California must create a process to return lands—and control of those lands—to Indigenous communities, and must financially support Tribes for their consultation on and stewardship of 30×30 protections.

People in Nature Icon

Power In Nature Through Equity

#30x30CA is an opportunity to address legacies of discriminatory land use policies, pollution burdens, and other environmental injustices that have excluded low-income households, Tribes, and communities of color from access to nature in their communities, and from decision-making around public resources. We advocate for a comprehensive 30×30 plan that fosters equity and helps address historic and systemic environmental injustice in California.

Supporters of #PowerInNature and the California 30x30 campaign include the following organizations:

AG + Open Space Sonoma County

Alta Peak Chapter CNPS

American River Conservancy

Audubon Canyon Ranch

Bear Yuba Land Trust

Bolsa Chica Land Trust

Cactus to Cloud Institute

California Botanic Garden

California Council of Land Trusts

California Environmental Voters Education Fund

California Institute for Biodiversity

California Native Plant Society

California Wilderness Coalition




Center for Biological Diversity

Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center

Central Valley Partnership

Clean Earth 4 Kids

Coastal Corridor Alliance

Coastal Corridor Alliance

Council of Mexican Federations

Crystal Cove Conservancy

Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife

Eastern Sierra Land Trust

Endangered Habitats League

Environmental Center of San Diego

Environmental Council of Sacramento

EPIC: Environmental Protection Information Center

Escondido Creek Conservancy

Feather River Land Trust

ForEverGreen Forestry

Friends of Del Norte

Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks

Friends of Plumas Wilderness

Friends of the Desert Mountains

Friends of the Dunes

Friends of the Eel River

Friends of the Inyo

Gaviota Coast Conservancy

Great Old Broads for Wilderness

Heal the Bay

Heritage Growers

Hills For Everyone

Hispanic Access Foundation

Klamath Forest Alliance

Laguna Greenbelt, Inc.

Latino Outdoors

LEGACY – The Landscape Connection

Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust

Los Angeles Waterkeeper

Los Padres Forestwatch

Mad River Alliance

Malibu Foundation

Mammoth Lakes Trails Public Access

Mojave Desert Land Trust

Mono Lake Committee

Morongo Basin Conservation Association

Mother Lode Land Trust

Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center

Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center

National Parks Conservancy

Native American Land Conservancy

Nature For All

Northcoast Environmental Center

Northern California Regional Land Trust

Image of logo with outline of white tree over brownish green background with words "Northern California Regional Land Trust" underneath


Ojai Valley Land Conservancy

Oswit Land Trust

Outdoor Alliance

Outdoor Outreach

Outward Bound Adventures

Pacific Crest Trail Association

Pacific Forest Trust

Peninsula Open Space Trust

Placer Land Trust

Planning and Conservation League

Puente Hills Habitat Preservation Authority

Resource Renewal Institute

Responsible Land Use

River Partners

Riverside County Transportation Commission

Sacramento Valley Conservancy

Sacramento Valley Conservancy

Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society

Save California Salmon

Save Mount Diablo

Save the Bay

Sequoia Riverlands Trust


Acorn log with words "Shasta Land Trust" underneath logo. Est. 1998.

Sierra Business Council

Sierra Club

Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Area

Sierra Club, Motherlode Chapter

Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter

Sierra County Land Trust

Sierra Nevada Alliance

Smith River Alliance

Sonoma Land Trust

Surfrider Foundation

Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust

Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust

Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust

Tejon Ranch Conservancy

The Climate Center

The Nature Conservancy

The Wildlands Conservancy

Tolowa Dee-Ni Nation

Tolowa Dunes Stewards

Trinidad Coastal Land Trust

Trout Unlimited

True North Organizing Network

Tuolumne River Trust


Wildlands Network


Winter Wildlands Alliance


Power In Nature Coalition Celebrates Plan to Conserve Coast Redwood Forest and Expand Protected Land

California wildflowers

Power In Nature Coalition Responds to Governor Newsom’s Budget

Chuckwalla National Monument; Sattitla National Monument. Image: Bob Wick

Power In Nature Coalition Applauds California National Monument Designations, Highlighting Land Conservation Progress