30 x 30 Power In Nature: Protecting California Together

Sacramento region residents want to preserve open and wild spaces, new poll suggests

The Food System Resilience Poll, conducted by CapRadio, Valley Vision, and Sacramento State University’s Institute for Social Research, asked residents of Sacramento, Yolo, El Dorado, Placer, Yuba and Sutter counties about their experiences obtaining and growing food.

But the survey also surfaced local residents’ desires for their environment. Over 90% of respondents said they felt very strongly or somewhat strongly that open space for plants, animals and farms be protected.


Power In Nature Coalition Celebrates Plan to Conserve Coast Redwood Forest and Expand Protected Land

California wildflowers

Power In Nature Coalition Responds to Governor Newsom’s Budget

Chuckwalla National Monument; Sattitla National Monument. Image: Bob Wick

Power In Nature Coalition Applauds California National Monument Designations, Highlighting Land Conservation Progress