30 x 30 Power In Nature: Protecting California Together

Statewide Coalition Calls On Legislature To Invest In CA’s 30×30 Goal


April 23, 2024

Contact: Sarah Hersh-Walker, 510-759-2921, sarah@fcpcommunications.com    


Sacramento, CA — Today, members of the Power In Nature coalition are in California’s State Capitol to meet with legislators. During these meetings, coalition members are highlighting the importance of the state’s 30×30 goal, calling for the elimination of proposed funding cuts to key programs in the state budget, and stressing the critical need for an equitable climate bond.

30×30 is a statewide goal to protect 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030. To achieve this goal, California must protect approximately six million acres of land and half a million acres of coastal waters in under six years. Doing so will help protect both nature and humans from the worst effects of climate change.

Scientists worldwide agree that to prevent the most severe impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss, we must protect at least 30% of the planet’s lands and coastal waters by 2030,” said ecologist Dr. Jun Bando, Executive Director of California Native Plant Society. “This is seen as the bare minimum needed to avoid ecosystem collapse, safeguard biodiversity, and stabilize the planet’s climate. However, we are facing deep budget cuts to the state’s 30×30 and climate resilience programs, just as this important work is getting underway.”

The Governor’s proposed budget would cut an additional $3.1 billion –and nearly half of the total reductions disproportionately impact climate resilience and nature-based solutions programs, including 30×30.

“Partners on the ground cannot see this work through without meaningful ongoing funding through 2030,” said Melanie Schlotterbeck, who leads Power In Nature’s Southland regional group. “This means we need consistent funding in the 2024-25 budget and future funding through an equitable climate bond to keep this work moving forward.”

To help ensure that California reaches the important 30×30 goal, Power In Nature coalition members are calling for three important actions during their meetings with legislators:

  • Restore funding reductions in the state budget that threaten 30×30 in California. These proposed cuts will impact the state’s ability to meet the 30×30 goal which scientists agree must happen to stem the worst effects of climate change. The current budget hampers the ability to move forward with conservation acquisitions, restorations, and land management. Funding is also needed for science-based monitoring efforts.
  • Add an equitable climate bond to the November 2024 ballot as a path toward critical long-term funding to meet the 30×30 goal. Legislators must vote to add a climate bond to the ballot and include consistent funding for biodiversity conservation, coastal resilience, and environmental justice priorities.
  • Support strategies to protect 30% of California’s coastal waters and local 30×30 projects. Last year the Power In Nature coalition released a map that highlights places to conserve in California as part of 30×30. These projects focus on four priority areas: biodiversity, climate resilience, Tribal coordination, and equity/access.

“30×30 is achievable and very necessary,” said Sandra Sanchez, Spokesperson, Power In Nature Coalition. “Now, we need California’s leaders to see this goal through and that requires a substantial commitment from the state.”

30×30 was set forth as a goal for the State of California by Governor Newsom, who issued an Executive Order in 2020. 30×30 was then codified into law last year with a bill authored by State Senator David Min (SD-37).

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About the Power In Nature Coalition

Power In Nature is a statewide coalition of community groups, environmental and conservation organizations, land trusts, Indigenous organizations, and Tribal members dedicated to advancing California’s 30×30 commitment. The Power In Nature coalition has identified nearly 100 potential 30×30 projects across the state and works on a broad range of issues including biodiversity protection, climate resilience, equity, recreation, outdoor access, and social justice. For more information visit PowerInNature.org.



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